Golf Ball design perfected for nearly all 1911's and wow did they come out nice. Texture is medium and the design is very uniform which really shows up in the end result. The grips are competitively priced with several colors to choose from, options for every full size 1911 and choice of thickness.
* Ambi Notch Standard
* Thumb Notch Standard
* CNC Machined
* Built to Order
* Fully De-horned
* Best Design in Market Place
Light Grey Black Golf Balls
- CNC Machined
- Billet G10
- Built to Order
- Fully De-horned
- Fully Customizable
- Ambi Notch Standard (Will leave out on Request)
- Thumb Notch Standard (Will leave out on Request)
- Modified Texture (On Request)
- Covered Plunger (On Request, Standard Thickness Only)
- Variety of Colors (Custom Colors on Request, Please Contact)
- Medallions on Request (15$ surcharge, Please Contact)
- Other Modfications? (Please Contact)